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Monday, July 19, 2010

How To Quit Sex

Codename: Aquarius
Location: His Place

As the hook ups continued, the more attached I got and the more things between us started to feel “as if” we were in a declared relationship. During the month of June,  Aquarius wasn’t really seeing anyone and neither was I. Our communication was far more consistent as far as IM’s go but the fact of the matter was, this was not a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship. This was a relationship that wasn’t a relationship.

So as I was putting on my shoes at 1AM in the morning, I finally brought it up.

How to quit the sex in a non-relationship…

Step 1: Make sure you get that last session out of the way, otherwise you might find yourself in a quick relapse.

Step 2: Have your clothes and shoes on. Any revealing skin may revert you back into nudity.

Step 3: Be certain and confident in your decision, because once you pose the point, there may be no going back and it will leave your opponent with all the power.

Step 4: Squint and make your opponent blurry as you bring up the subject so you have absolutely no desire to jump their bones as the words are coming out of your mouth.

Step 5: Do not expect protest and do not be disappointed if there is none.

Step 6: Once the subject is laid down, time to hustle and go home.

You should feel relieved at this point.

As Aquarius stood in the hallway of his living room, in his undershirt, underwear, socks and the dreaded glasses that I had some sort of fetish for, I set the words carefully, “At some point, I see us becoming friends and eventually the sex will have to stop.”

There’s that word, “eventually” – if I had said, I can’t see you anymore and quit cold turkey, I don’t think I could have done it. It would have been like I was quitting a narcotic and breaking out into sweats. I had already gone too far and all I could do was slowly wean myself off my addiction to oxytocin. And his reaction… “Okay.” Shrug. “Makes sense.”


I had hoped I would feel back in control and in a way I did. For awhile.

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